Lover and Friend
Relationships are precious, like lover and friend
Cherished much longer – built on trusting love and care
Hence, losing one: melancholy – a tragic end
Why have to lose one? Is life really that unfair?
We are best friends, till death us part is what we swear
Horizons shift from dark to blue on sprawling sand
Through thick and thin, the solid bond will halt despair
Relationships are precious, like lover and friend
Stars and moon converge setting a happy trend
Our dreams and goals pave one everlasting affair
To each other's side we stand firmly to defend
Cherished much longer – built on trusting love and care
When eyes behold not just a friend but even more
The carefree feelings change and deep emotions blend
Will it be worth the risk that surely is in store?
Hence, losing one: melancholy – a tragic end
The battle rages like wild tempest right inside
The urges unrestrained are there to give, to share
Like burning lava hot to handle or to hide
Why have to lose one? Is life really that unfair?
The jewels’ sparkle has to last and never fade
A lasting sacrifice is one that leads the heart
To rise above the pains from which true love is made
Lover and friend must aim to play a lasting part
Relationships are precious.
Your Best Poem #2 - Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Shadow Hamilton
~~~3rd Place~~~
Relationships - Poetry Contest
Sponsor: Regina Riddle
~~~2nd Place~~~
5:14 pm, April 14, 2014