He: this is not fair
This is something i can't bear
What's the wrong with me being poor and you being rich
If we will share the same salt pinch!
She: i can't believe this either!
We must fulfill our love
I'm Rome and you're my caesar
This can't be put off
He: here is not the place we belong
We should be in heaven
There our love can be so strong
And we would be there even
She: we shall die together
To rest from all the suspicious eyes
Here are two poisoned drinks
So we can meet in paradise
He: finally we will live happily
With no more disguise
I really like your idea
It's so insightful and wise
She: i wanted us to live together
But i can not see you dying
So i didn't put poison in your cup
I just put in mine!
He: i knew you would do such thing
Because you really worth trust
You know i love you very much
That's why i have switched the c......!