Lovers Flight
I took your hand
in the dark of night
You took my heart
Lovers flight
Beneath the stars
We ran...
To the edge of somewhere
Lovers flight
My heart filled to burst,
with you beside me
Heady air
The stars I see
Copper trees touched the sky
Glowing in the suns first light
Wind sigh
Lovers flight
The stars faded away
The moon lost its' glow
Colour filled the day
The sun rose steadily
We cannot rest
The miles between
Lovers flight
To the edge of somewhere
Filled with copper trees
Golden light
Lovers flight
A brief passage in time
Hidden away
Dreamt of during the night
Lovers flight
A brief passage of time
The changing of suns and moons
Stars bright
Before fading in the light
Lovers flight
Beneath the stars
We ran
To the edge of somewhere
My heart filled with copper glow
The trees I came to know
Hand in hand
Beneath the stars
Before the suns' first light
The suns' first blush