Lover's Lane
Lover's Lane
I see my lonely silhouette
Beside a nightfall dark,
Ragged as a cirrus yet
Upon the moon embark.
Wispy as my unkempt hair
As a metamorphic dance,
Swirling in the midnight air
Upon which lovers glance.
Yet hideous eyes interfere
With beauty as it blooms,
Souring every musty tear
With deathly sweet perfumes.
Love songs haunting lyrical
Between each savoured kiss,
As I gaze upon the pinnacle
Of all the intimacy I miss.
Never a song so sweetly sung
Did sound of silent dirge,
A distant choir that lay among
Embraces that heaving merge.
And what of starry eiderdowns
That hide my naked shame?
Indiscreet, their jealous frowns
Still calling out my name.
It is I who creep romantically
Among cupids wasted darts,
Dying here yet frantically
Collecting discarded hearts.
As moonlit dreams wash away
In loves resigning rain,
Soaked in melancholy grey
I dance down lover's lane.