Lovers Paradise
Whispers of lustful affections murmur through the phone
clustered together no one wants to be alone
young boys rubbing down their girlfriends skin
lost in the mood of imaginary fairytale
they exchange romance and kisses and the phone-line
memories of that good loving still remains in their mine,
teasing one another with their charmful voice
to be together, that's their choice,
with valentine arriving
exchange of emotions was given to their soul-mate,
waiting for that special someone at their gate,
they will rather stay out late,
to each other they gave their all,
sentimental loving in the heavy rainfall,
romantic pleasure they express in bed,
holding on to each others head,
even minors wanted a piece of the action
in their short skirts young girls caught the boys attention,
showing off that amazing affection,
don't forget single-lovers who read love novels plus poetry books
seeking to find a soul-mate who has good looks,
from babies to children, sharing their childish love
even Christians fell in love
on valentine night, lovers take one wish
a vow they hope would not tarnish
they laugh, they kiss,
what a perfect bliss,
even the old lady showed love to her old man
though they had to stay at one place,
they both showed that deep-affection on their face,
all night long they stayed up reminiscing on that good love
no one fell asleep,
remembering that romantic pleasure in their hearts they keep,
let's not forget the animals who make love to their fellow mate
for an hour I stand at my gate,
watching my dog make love to his *****,
beside an open ditch,
imagine a lion making love to his lioness,
that would be a perfect happiness.