Lovers Point Water Tower
Hot shot young buck
Sat kissing his beautiful young prom date
Stardate 1958
After climbing a rusty ladded
All the way to the summit at the top
Of the old Standard Oil sponsored Water Tower
That is colloquy known as Lookout Point
Gazing over the late night setting horison
They both made a wish upon a shooting star
In there Midwest Desert Mining Town
That from this moment they shall never be apart
And for many a year this truth would come to pass
But even a wish can only last a certain amount of time
As death comes to us all
Young Buck was destined to become Old Buck
And his beautiful Prom date's
Good looks so in time would wither too
But the wish they once upon a time made
And the years of love they shared
Can still be heard surfing on the Summer Breeze
When perched way up high upon the Water Tower
Drawing new couples into scaling the summit
In search of the Spell True Love Cast