Love Poem: Lovers theory
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Written by: Deasia Luster

Lovers theory

Because this is my first life I tend to get confused 
I tend to falter I tend to misconstrue my pain
Because I’ve only lived this life 
I tend to fall for disingenuous lies I tend to cry I tend to misinterpret the feeling of sane

Lovers theory- the theory of love 
The idea of what love should be 
Though with my little experience 
I can not tell you what love is I can only tell u what love could be 

the feeling of peace quenching your desire 
And that same peace depriving you of convalescence
A stomach full of butterflies eaten at first glance, basking in their beautiful essence 

Dare I ask? what is love , how is love , when is love near 
A question only the poets can answer, though the poets are not here.

Nevertheless I do have a answer, though I am not a poet
I am just a woman, a woman lacking pride
A woman willing to share her misfortunes
A woman willing to share her truth  

A truth in which the poets might disagree 
But like I said I am no poet,
just a woman Who was once shackled.. 
a woman who is now free

the end is the beginning 
The end is inevitable the end is true
a depressing take but with explanation a take that is nothing less of the truth 

Love filled with flaws.. love filled with distance, 
A love slow to burn.. a love lit in a instant 
The once fervent now timid emotions, 
realizing love is inconsistent 

The theory that loving once is plenty and any other love is pure luck 
Yet we search.we pine , we yearn for  love time after time as if that one love wasn’t enough 

I am no theorist, I am simply a woman 
A woman who has lost 
a woman who is willing to fight for love at any cost.

Yet I find myself believing 
“everything is temporary”
“Love is painful” 
“Forever is simply a ruse”

I’m Not a poet, not a theorist 
I’m Simply a woman who’s
 lost at love time and time again
A woman who latched onto love once and has yet to release them 

The feeling of love, the feeling of my heart trying to duplicate my first and only love
The pain and disappointment that comes with the result 
the scars my love left, I am Not broken 
Simple a woman lacking reason to exult 

Because this is my first life, I have only my adolescence to blame, I can blame only my youth 
because I am no poet, and I am no theorist 
I theorize from my pain,I theorize from my truth.

 Lovers theory - the theory that “love is forever “ the theory that “Love will never end”
Theories  I held dearly to my heart
Theories I’ll never believe again. 

Love will leave and when that happens 
we will attempt to get it back 
Temporary love will fuel our need to overthink what we lack 
love is quick, a tender breeze of paradisiacal peace. Love is pining, love is painful, yet love is beauty 

though again I am no poet, I am no theorist 
I am just a woman who is recently free 
a woman living her first life 
A woman who’s loved, a woman with a theory.