Love's Armour
Love's Armour
by Rick Rucker
Love transformed a man, most shy,
Into one not afraid to die!
He once was hiding in his skin,
Afraid to let anyone in.
When, at last, Love slipped by his sentry,
Into his Heart, it made stealthful entry.
Suddenly, the World was new,
So many new, fun things to do!
When, at last, that Love he lost,
He had to have it back, at any cost!
He devised a warrior's plan,
He would outfight any other man!
None of them would stand a chance,
His weapon would be True Romance!
He was not afraid to try,
Without Love, he would rather die!
By now I'm sure you see,
The one in question, is but me!
My dying didn't come to pass,
I won the Fair Maiden lass.
What was the weapon that I chose?
A single, solitary Rose!
I know that I can never harm her,
After all, we wear Love's Armour!