Loves Beyond 2010
It was known by the way that he treated her and she treated him.
Happiness repeated daily, over and over again.
Two eyes, opened by realization and soon, marriage followed.
Is that not a great place for a true love story to begin?
You bring a boy into the world; teach him about right choices.
Praise him for his goodly ways and expect him to do his best.
Surround his world with virtuous visionaries and voices.
Watch him grow into a man who too soon empties mama’s nest.
Founded upon strength and wisdom, he faces the worldly world.
Quietly, patiently, faithfully, he finds his way in life.
Dreams, desires, and goals fall into place; then, love is unfurled.
Life becomes enchanted, like a fantasy; he finds his wife.
Swept away from life’s present to a new place so far away.
Two young lovers, husband and wife, promised to one another,
Fly away on the wings of love singing a new song; their song.
Both taking with them, a lifetime of loves from each one’s mother.
Through the tears of fears, loves, loss and joy, apron strings are untied.
Two wide-eyed young adults fly into the sunrise, she with him.
Knowing that mothers back home send love to them that will abide.
Loves like those, grow everlastingly, beyond 2010!
© December 22, 2010
Dane Smith-Johnsen