Love's Closing Door
Why does it hurt so much when we love?
When that one certain person is all we think of?
Those long sleepless nights when we are alone,
We lay there and wonder…where did we go wrong?
Did I love too much, too little, too late?
Have I crossed that thin line between love and hate?
Is he happy these days, now that he's moved on?
Does he ever look back and feel sad that I'm gone?
Why is it that people want BACK what we've lost?
No matter how painful, no matter the cost.
Our ego, our pride, our mind and our soul...
We give those up freely; our heart pays the toll.
It's hard to move past all the grief and the pain,
If I thought he still loved me, would I do it again?
Would I want to go through all the stress and the strife?
Or decide to be lonely the rest of my life?
I loved him enough to leave him behind;
Allowed him to search and eventually find
The one he's with now, who has taken my place,
So he never will see all these tears on my face.
I have tried my best to be a good friend
To this man I still love, and will till the end.
He knows that he hurt me so deeply and yet,
I've learned to forgive him, but never forget.
I never have known a love such as this.
I miss his embrace, and his warm gentle kiss.
When I close my eyes, it's HIS face I still see.
I hope that in time my heart will be free.
Free to love and be loved in return.
And to feel those emotions for which I so yearn.
It seems that one person will always love more,
And the one left behind will hear love's closing door.
I know that one day I will learn to let go,
And the pain of the past I will try not to show.
For a love that was felt so deep and so true,
I will feel once again with somebody new.
I will always remember the love that we shared.
How sweet my life was when I knew that he cared.
But those days are over; it's all in the past.
So, what is the secret to make true love last?