Loves Cruel Arrows
I feel like a delicate flower all torn apart.
Stomped on smashed into the ground.
I opened my heart and I opened my person
I disregarded the sanctity of who I am
And traded it for an illusion of grandeur.
Lying to myself, telling myself this must be real
Knowing that this is not how it should be or how it should go.
But I did not want it to stop, I did not want it to end.
Yet I knew it would end all too soon.
Men have this need to conquer, have this need to overtake
Men do not know how to truly love a women, nor do they really want to.
They like a challenge, they do not want it to come to them easy.
Easy for them means they have not won it. If it is given to them freely, they feel it
must be nothing. It has no meaning,
I am a delicate flower who has been torn apart and smashed into the ground.
My heart is now broken again, and torn by loves cruel arrows, that pierce through
the heart and leave it to bleed. I do not understand the pain I feel nor do I want to
know. Leave me now and never return to me for I can not go through this again.