Love's Embrace
Love's Embrace
Pre-dawn light peeks
Softly through windows
Lightening shadows to gray
Leaving silhouettes as eyes
Open in drowsy heaviness
Only to realize you observe
Every detail in the quiet.
A long masculine arm raises
The blanket in silent welcome
As we begin a well-rehearsed
choreography of body meeting body.
Naked breast to chest,
we lie in love's warm embrace.
Dark fingers stroke blonde hair
As feminine fingers trace through
a mat of soft crispness over chest.
Occasional kisses rain down--soft; sweet
As relaxed sighs whisper
through our intimate cocoon of comfort.
Deep contentment spreads
With every swish and beat..
Tha thump- tha thump- tha thump- tha thump
Beneath my ear as our hearts match rhythm.
Two souls intertwined in the joy of being
Commingled bodies
At rest
At peace
As the pre-dawn light peeks softly
Through our bedroom window