Love's Glorious Renderings
To hunger for love's sweet breath
as we lay among yellow flowers and purple asters
and whisper to ears trapped in the mouth of love
with hands curled
in a delicate dance of passionate dreams
that lay quiet in solemn renderings with our souls
as we linger beneath butterfly wings
where the only sounds heard are heartbeats
beating in rhythm
to be innocent in our intentions and insatiable with passion
driven to the edge of wanton desire
to love...and be loved
without conditions or restraints
to breathe as one beneath the glorious grandeur of an open sky
filled with passing clouds
whose shadows ripple across our skin in silent artistry
as they move towards the horizon
where the sun will set before our eyes
in a long red ribbon of light
leaving us alone
as we enter the romance of night's glittering gleams
where lovers count stars
and moonbeams color the world in splayed golden beams
that draw out the contours of a beautiful face
filled with the unabashed sensuality of love
7/21/19 Hunger contest