Love Poem: Loves hold on the body
Xavier Hailey Avatar
Written by: Xavier Hailey

Loves hold on the body

You got my skin tearing my soul missing them lips I love kissing stayed when I was in the trenches my heart is your kitchen if we could acquire space then I buy you out cause when I give you space it's not long to I feel the empty space but your my women so that's not the case writing in hidden messages you understand stand the language finally excepted even with baggage deleting the claim I used to claim that once in my life I was in deep pain no more searching for sunny days fire phenix on the shoulder of angels equipped with a voice that leaves demons slayin rich in the waters of the almighty sitting at heaven gate thanking God he gave you to me my personal air tank without you I can't breathe Each strand of your hair is the connection to army of great women looking over you lights brighter then anything ever seen beam from your feet with every step that's taken my heart triple in size when I enter your gold mind symbolized as your eyes the reason why my sleep is so deep I wake well rested to only love ON you even more stripped the heavy harness my thoughts wrapped around me corrected images I once seen replaced the sad movies in my dreams at the same time being the stiches in my seems completing me from the inside out