Love's Incomparable Feeling
It's best you enjoy every day you're alive
Never know when your time is up
Like Vegas, the odds are stacked against you
Take time to fill up your cup
Fill it to the brim with much happiness and joy
And spread the extra around
Don't be stingy, help others find happiness
That ultimate joy that you've found
Spread the good word, shout it out real loud
Tell the world of your new found joy
Is there anything greater than love sweet love
Felt love since I was a boy
A life long journey, some ups, some downs
But overall, what a fabulous ride
Travelling through, meeting the future head on
With your loved one by your side
There's no greater joy or satisfaction in life
Than the love for another human being
It's truly what we were born to experience
To know love's incomparable feeling
© Jack Ellison 2014