Loves Lost Time
A thunderous rumbling,
lightning flashing
all within my troubled brain,
I wander in a daze,
afraid of crashing.
The cause is plain,
I must see you again.
The passing years,
where each does live,
In joy and Sorrow,
and happiness spent,
Each with another,
who of themselves did give,
repaid by our lost time,
we to them lent.
It is not with covetous envy,
but with joy,
I look upon the sacrifice we made,
though self interest now,
is what we must employ,
For what has gone before,
was but a masquerade.
Millennia come and go,
and decades fade away,
I know that we,
should not have parted,
And rue what happened,
on that fateful day.
But time will not give back,
what man has started.
Exacerbate the problem,
convolute the time,
Pick the optimum moment,
grab it if you can,
To love beyond reason,
is said to be no crime,
Insipid love, however,
has no passion or elan.
and wastes the little, that there is,
Of the time of man.