Love's Rapture
Love’s Rapture
That insatiable and forever moment
To capture and hold, deep and dear
In thy heart and soul, whilst savoring
Its enchanted and palpable emotions
For the rest of thy life on this Earth.
Love is fleeting for sure as this aspect
Is a definite part of its eternal DNA in
Mankind’s three-dimensional world of
Finite capabilities and true experiences
Where relationships can last a lifetime
Or be suddenly torn asunder in terrible
Moments of hot anger and sad betrayal
When a couple breaks up and all is lost.
Love in its truest sense of delectation is—
That giddy feeling when two people first meet
That instant when they gaze into each other's eyes
That aura when the air smells of fresh red roses
That hot rush of emotion as they first embrace
That sensual moment when they kiss deeply
That special confidence that all is now possible
That ethereal moment as two souls become one
Love’s rapture is that unique divine rhapsody
Heavenly sent by Almighty God Himself.
In the end, love’s rapture is what gives all of us
That special sense of affirmation and shared worth
As human beings made in God’s image.
Gary Bateman, Copyright © All Rights Reserved
March 24, 2018 (Free Verse)