Love's Reverence, a Cover of ''A Boat Beneath a Sunny Sky''
Chivalrist of pure intent
Honoured by the ears that lent
A tale recounted to content
Resplendant wonders brought to ear
Laments that draw an unseen tear
Evasion of the heart's deep fear
Soft young mind and placid eyes
Lucid to the tale's disguise
Unseeing the truth behind the lies
There upon the golden water
Wimsically listening to the lauder
Inclines the middle Liddell daughter
Days have come and years have passed
Golden evenings couldn't last
Erosionary time has swept too fast
Dreary dawns and bitter nights
Overcame the muse's might
Dead and gone, that fragile light
Greiving when his heart was tore
Secreted to land of lore
On through Wonderland he'll soar
Now to dream forevermore