Love's Splash
I feel my muscles relax
As the water caresses my back
I slide down into the water
Hear the gentle whisper of a splash
Thoughts come slowly to me
Tender reflections soothing my mind
As I lie mellow beneath the liquid
My senses shaded with an easy splash
Warm moments press into my heart
Throbbing through my sense of peace
Serenity silences the stirring of plans
As dreams drift beneath a soft splash
I am relieved by the sweet trembles of water
Whispering across my naked flesh
Sending flickers of inspiration through me
With each embrace from a wave and a splash
There are only cool, calm gestures of quiet
Sending images of hope, faith and love across me
Where I know only the assurance of purity and good
Awakening my perceptions with a smooth splash
Thrilling me with its ability to stimulate my desires
Imaginations flow with beautiful wishes and opportunities
Sweet dreams that welcome me with encouragement
Reassurance comes through the pulse of a light splash
I know the compassion that comes from giving fully
All that I am, hope to be or know that I will be
From the depths of the heart, soul and spirit
Devotion that rises with the wisdom secreted in a splash
A splash of water murmuring through the heart
Sending vibrations of blushing rose and hues of gold
Melting hardness wherever it touches the soul
With comfort in knowing love creates the greatest splash of all!
Splash Poetry Contest
Sponsored by: Kai Michael Neumann
June 3, 2020