Love's Strong Justice
Love does be
Love is indeed expected to be
In its full immensity
Shining with all its glory
Love has been shown to be the One Path
The One shown during a day of the Sabbath
When we did give a rest to all our toils
When we did choose to cleanse our souls with the divine oils
Love yet, now tends to harm, to bend
Lovers are required to be submissive
Loved ones do tend to be aggressive
To demand too much, so much that they cause love to end
Love comes with forgiveness, with mercy
Indeed, love is synonymous of pity
Yet, some do see it as a way to imbibe love with cruelty
Indeed, with selfish motives love does get lost while being seen as an act of charity
Love now only knows how to use
Lovers are used and abused
Lovers are pushed to their limits
So much that they do even get broken in bits
Love was shown as being a justice
It was supposed to bring to a soul, its peace
Love yet, because of this, got tied in chains
Indeed, see, see, today, how to cruelty love does ascertain
How hard it is indeed, in today's age
To calm our inner demons
They do fill us with a sinful rage
They do have us yearning for sermons
Man is not a God, I for one, is mere human
With love I do fill my heart
Yet, it does happen that darkness does take over
And love does no more fill me up, causing my heart to turn all black
Being a believer, though, I would tend to resort to love
Yes, I shall give it a try, be brave
Remove the hatred
Fill it up indeed with love!