Loves Touch
I have been away
not in myself however
within my heart
death tracks across my
persona like a gigantic
storm with thunder
and lightening at the forefront
it takes on an almost human
form as it crushes against my
serenity trying to distroy my
sweet self
as my thoughts encumbered
ever pushing downward the
humanity which has been mine
there are lessons here to
be learned and bittersweet
medicine to injest with only
myself to forcibly swallow
one can never know when
and what to feel when the
reaper comes to call
it was not for me allthough
at times i wished it so
the endless days and nights
have passed with little tolerance
afforded by this misery known as
suddenly almost magically
a calming gentle token of
relief came forward and
administered by the hands
of love for me alone to consume
i now know that we all
must feel and endure the
pain of emptiness and sorrow
for it is the human condition
that requires us to but we
need not take this road alone
truly the days and nights
ahead will bring new life
and renew the happiness
where once deaths dwelling
place visited
there wil be moments assured
when the darkness will intrude
again and now having lived through
the pain i know the warmth of the
suns embrace
i will always try to look ahead
and remember only the love...