Loves Trial 5
The Trial 5
Workers in the courtroom were making last minute sitting arrangement for Poetry Soup’s poets who have been following the case.
Their comments after reading the transcripts, were seen by Love. She persuaded the judge to allow these poets to join other dignitaries. All at once the courtroom fell silent.
The judge entered and after sitting, taped his gavel saying,
This court will come to order. We will now allow Love to finish her address.
Love, continued with her statement to the court saying,
Thank you your honor. People who have lost hope face
A life full of self doubt. Love can help for the only power Fear has is that Power you give him.
Fear spreads acid in your hearts. You fail to recognize what is really eating your very being. I’m always ready to step in and help. I have the power to heal the world if they only listen to their own degree. I’m here with you today but I’m also all over the world attempting to convince the millions of lives who have given up hope. That I can heal their discomfort if they would let me into their hears.
She returned to her seat saying,
Thank you your honor.
The judge brought his gavel down making a loud sound because there had been a dead silence in the room saying,
Fear, you now have the floor.
Fear stood up and walked to the judge’s desk and said,
Your honor, distinguish jurors, you know what Love can do
when she wants to. You’re aware the damage she has done to unsuspecting men and women.
Numerous individuals are now suffering because of her. She has tried to blame me but as intelligent people you know the truth.
Pointing a long pale slim finger at the accuser he shouted,
Look at Mr. Bacchus siting alone, dejected and damaged. He’s seeking help from from this honored institution. He pleads for justice to keep the defendant from making a mockery of this court.
I will show you who Love really is. You will see and hear how her sinister siren singing lured unwary lovers to the arms of depression.
I now call Mr. William Bacchus to the stand.
There was a loud gasp from the spectators who have waited for this moment since the beginning of the trial.
Love step down from the witness stand and slowly glided to the empty table.
The accuser walked up to the whiteness stand and seated himself. He
was a young man with long black hair and a forlorn white face.
Fear saw himself as someone who every person wanted to meet. His narcissism behavior was deep rooted. He felt the pack courtroom and the numerous news outlet were there because of him. He also felt he was the best barrister in the world and the judge really wanted to be his friend.
He looked at William and said with a devilish grin on his face,
Are you okay Mr. Bacchus? Are you ready to tell the court what Love did to you? Don’t be afraid, Love cannot harm you while I’m here.
She has injured her last heart and she will pay dearly for all her unwanted meddling. You will get your justice I promise you.
William began to relate his story in a weak and soft voice.
The dignitaries in the front rows of the courtroom looked at each other. They knew Love and Fear personally. William was crouching in the witness chair, his trembling voice was hardly audible. He was like a frightened baby rabbit faced to face with a feline.
Fear smiled and with a soft and mellow voice said,
Please get closer to the microphone and speak a bit louder so the good people of the jury can hear you. Don’t spare any details.
“My girlfriend and I were very happy and we were to be
married. We did things together and nothing was too difficult for us because we let Love come into our hearts.”
So, you let Love enter your most vulnerable part of your body. You wanted her to stay but she just betrayed you and left you Isn’t that right?
Love stood up and said,
Objection your honor. Fear is leading the witness.
Objection sustained. Now Fear, you know you can’t speak
for the witness. Let him speak without interrupting.
Sorry your honor. Fear turned to the jurors saying, as you can see, Love is not only cute, soft and cuddly. She knows the law. Please continue William.
“We were happy and deeply in love. I wanted to marry but she wanted to wait, until we graduated. I went to classes with a smile and hope on my shoulder.
I began to see the world in a different light because my heart was full of love for my girlfriend. I became a straight A student”
Fear paced in front of the jurors waiting for William to get to the point where Love knocked the down door guarding his heart. A door that was already damaged.
Fear shook his head and walking in front of Love toward the witness chair said,
How did you feel when your girlfriend refused to marry you? What happened to Love?
William was now sobbing. An anguish wet face looked up at Fear saying,
“My girlfriend changed and I felt she was avoiding me.
I kept calling begging her to reconsider and marry me. She never returned my calls.”
What did you do than William?
“I dropped out of college and began using drugs. I cursed Love for what she had done to me. Thats when you heard of my anger, and ask if I wanted to seek justice for what Love had done.
Love tried to soften my anger and offered me comfort. But I shut the door to my heart and sent her away. But she kept bothering me time after time. I could sense her following me. She wouldn’t leave me alone”
Fear strolled in front of the jurors toward Love’s table with a smile as wide as Niagara Falls. saying,
Your witness Love.
The courtroom sounded like a stampede as reporters and news media rushed to get their fake news to a public who, like sheep, allowed the news to make decisions for them.
Close the door and don’t let anyone out or in. This court will come to order. In the meantime, we will adjourn.