Loving Depictions
what whispers make you smile
and who is your secret
that you wish a world to wonder
what awaits him who wishes
to love you
what allows him to have you
as person
tell me your secrets
that i might make them a script to
have you mine
what do you what from a woman
is it to couple and procreate
do you demand loyalty
and command obedience
are men against you being loved
and wish to unravel your happiness
which methods fo you use to acquire submissiveness
and are you chored by the labors
of being together
what have you done to
be so wise
or are your wisdoms from ways of gaining trust
to then make victum of them that
have trusted you
am I the fool
to be crazy for someone
who wishes for me
to be satisfied and then
love scorn by
your turning
from good to evil
why are we then gaming
to create rules as we go along
the way.
what am I
who am I
and then
who are we