Loving Hugs
Been signing off lately with 'loving hugs'
Though miles and miles apart
My love is sincere and every bit as meaningful
As if your were standing in my doorway about to leave
I have so much love to give
It is overflowing
Some people may think it's not sincere
Trust me, if I sign off with, love and hugs from Jack
It is sincere, believe me
If you ask me how I got this way
I don't have a good answer
All I know is I've been overflowing with love
All my life
But since retiring, it's even intensified
Perhaps it's the thought I can no longer look ahead
Twenty or thirty years and make plans
So I sit and reflect on what has gone before
Giving thanks for the dear friendships I've had
And in particular for those I have now
I also give thanks for the extraordinary life
I have been so fortunate to have had
We all should remember the good things
And sign off with 'loving hugs'
For tomorrow may never come
© Jack Ellison 2014