Love Poem: Loving is a cherem

Loving is a cherem

I did tell you before
About all the things that made me cry
and made my heart sore.
I remember begging you to never lie
as lies had torn me apart in the past.
Your assurance seemed so true
I just never knew it wouldn’t last.
and you never gave out any clue.
Or maybe because I betrayed myself
and chose to believe you.
Just like a new book pilled on a shelf
I allowed you to use me, too.
You enjoyed turning me all over
Forgetting how relieved I was when you took me
and swore to give a hand only to give me a cold shoulder.

Your “I love you” texts made me feel appreciated
Little did I know, I wasn’t the only one receiving them.
When I was smiling over your text
Someone else was smiling for them also.
I’ve seen people go through this ‘falso’.
I did not think I was next. 
That’s funny right? Now everything’s complicated,
I should’ve know that loving is a cherem.

Cherem- something given over to the lord or under a ban
Falso- Spanish word translating to false or fake in English.