Loving Kindness At Work
Blessed recipient of God’s loving kindness*, my grateful soul, redeemed from sin-condemnation, now blissfully abides in His goodness. With the Lord’s graciousness, my worshipful heart basks in adoration-praise, exalting Him, extolling His mercy. Having been granted forgiveness through the sacrifice of the compassionate Saviour, my quickened spirit seeks to please HIM by faith to love HIM foremost, and to show loving kindness to others, striving to put into practice the Scriptural truth, “…Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” As such, I continue to yield myself to the Almighty as His vessel to offer hope while sharing the Gospel of redemption. It is then my commitment to serve as a surrogate Mom to abandoned children in the orphanage, volunteer my services as a teacher, involve in life-building pursuits, and write from the heart, exuding divine grace. Amidst these, I pray for genuine selfishness to prevail as my flesh is tempted to brag of helpfulness in the guise of altruistic fortitude.
God’s lovingkindness
freely reached down to my heart---
thus, my hands reach-out.
Jeremiah 9:24 But let him that glorieth glory in this, that he understandeth and knoweth me, that I am the LORD which exercise lovingkindness, judgment, and righteousness, in the earth: for in these things I delight, saith the LORD.
August 17, 2021
2nd place, "Kindness" Haibun Poetry Writing Premier Contest
Sponsored by Regina McIntosh; judged on 8/21/2021.