Loving Togy
*I have Placed him on a bucket list as a person I would love to visit, and if possible, make some sense of what for years has been rather puzzling to me. I realize that life does not always provide us the simple math of 1+1=2, and some things will never add up in this life, but I would love the satisfaction of having tried to inject doses of love where little exists.
Moving to a new community, resulting in new schools and new friends, we concerned ourselves mostly with the new friendships that our kids would make, and looking back, I have little to complain about with regards to our kids' friends. There was one situation with which I am short on facts but very high on the drama and emotion of it all.
I often pause in gratitude to God with respect to my son, who being so close to a now-incarcerated soul, could very well have faced a similar fate. He became very close to a kid who has spent most of his life in prison. The reaction of my son's friend to the offense he committed did more damage to his mental state than the imprisonment, resulting in his being placed in a mental institution for the last 20 plus years. All of my information is second handed, but for the purpose of this theme, perhaps it is enough. It is about being naive to the complexity of one's actions whether illegal, immoral, or both. The naivete becomes evermore compounded when the ignorance forces one to face never expected consequences. That is enough to blow one's mind, which is what happened to my son's friend. Thus, he sits in a mental institution without family and friends, not knowing when he will be set free, nor even realizing why he is there. He never knew his father and his mom died when he was very young. Here, compassion and forgiveness come easy. My brain is pained; sometimes, my mind is mush just thinking about him; and my heart is broken for my son's friend when I reflex upon the few years of joy they shared. Although time fills many empty spaces of sorrow, I suppose my son wonders what could have been of their friendship during these past 20 plus years of losses. Yes, he, his cousin, and my son were very close. For now, I shall pray and explore the possibility of visiting Togy and consider filling empty spaces and loss years with doses of love.
10192018PoSoupContest, Brainstorm, John Hamilton; *Part Fiction