Ludicrous Lover
Madness zips through my head
Giving me loads & loads of dread
Marry me, satisfaction
Divorce me, dissatisfaction
Tag along, positivity
Don’t keep up with me, negativity
My dark, dark desire
Is stirring up heartfire
The afterlife will come sooner or later
I would rather be a ludicrous lover than a loathsome hater
Bring to life my happiness – lift me up above this cold, heartless floor
Get along with me, joyous laughter & laugh with me, don’t sneer at me…
You must be joking or out of your mind, are you? I love you to the core
So, don’t say otherwise – keep pace with me & most certainly…most likely…
You’ll find peace in mind
Our love was plastic?
No, our love was epic
My infatuation towards you
Came out of the