Love Poem: Ludwig and Vincent

Ludwig and Vincent

Ludwig & Vincent...

‘They said that you were mad, Vincent’, whispered Ludwig to a silent Vincent.

‘I still am, quite insane’, replied Vincent, ‘but you, dear Ludwig, you were deaf, and mad, I hear’.

‘I listened with my soul, Vincent, I heard it all without hearing a sound. Yes, mad and deaf indeed I too, still am’, Ludwig said, smiling at Vincent.

‘just look at them now’, Vincent replied, smiling with Ludwig, ‘look at them now, as they hawk sunflowers, blissfully oblivious of exquisite starry nights’.

‘yes’, smiled Ludwig, ‘look at them now, they crave joy, yet they cannot hear an ode, dear Vincent, they cannot hear it! They do not care enough to hear’.

‘Yes, dear Ludwig’, Vincent sighed, ‘they do not care enough to hear’.

Ludwig and Vincent smiled, each tugging an ear.