The curtain of night is falling,
a canvas of moon and stars and satellites
painted across the heavens above
where the keeper of dreams is softly calling you.
Your name is the same as mine,
I whisper it as I kiss your brow
and smooth your hair, your eyes gently closing
as you are borne away toward morning time.
With a nursery rhyme looped in my head
and the toys of love held in my hands
I bid you goodnight from the pale landing light
with a heart that is yours 'till the end of all things,
each beat keeping time whilst you sleep in your bed.
I will guard the flame whilst you slumber,
be there for you when you awaken;
all I ask in return is that when I am gone
you will keep a small pocket of memory for me
and never forget who I was and
how I loved you through all those childhood nights.