Lullaby Ball
Senseless, her eyes become moot to me now
As she was sitting there looking upwards
Her thoughts betrayed her as what will allow
Softly she sang a great rare tune towards
Sending chills through my body, empties all
As she was sitting there looking upwards
And she cries during this lullaby ball
Tears fall, and fall, they hurt beyond belief
Sending chills through my body, empties all
Just then it hit me, how to find relief
To love her is quite incarnate inside
Tears fall, and fall, they hurt beyond belief
Deity that is within her besides
Forms a grand love through each one of her tears
To love her is quite incarnate inside
I touch her, I’ll hold her all of these years
Senseless, her eyes become moot to me now
Forms a grand love through each one of her tears
Her thoughts betrayed her as what will allow
Russell Sivey
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