Lust Never Lasts
It creeps in like a careless whisper,
in cold nights and sleepy days.
It likes busy streets and hides in lonely places.
It rages a soft war, mind blowing to drive great warriors crazy.
It itches, pierces, tickles, oozes, urges and suffocates deep thinkers.
It is loud in deafening silence and quiet in thunders.
It despises kings and corrupts nobles.
Young, old, man, woman, it respects no titles.
It gallops saints furiously and cunningly consumes sinners.
It scatters families and winnows love.
It feasts on idle minds and mingles in merry making
It is sold in excess wine and loyal desperation.
It creates satisfying imaginations and grows swiftly.
It finds no better reason, no better person, no right time, no appropriate place.
It sweeps worship places with the same normal blow it uses in bars.
Lust knows no height, and to it size is just a number.
It betrays beauty and sacrifices intellect and affluence.
It breaks trust, creates bonds and memories.
It is as fast and delicate as a bubble.
It listens to rumors and prides in wasted lives.
When it is done with the soul, it takes the body too.
Giants look worthless while subdued good men become monsters before appeasing it .
It mixes reality, truth and deception.
Overcoming it in a mind wrestle is a task equal to purifying gold because it never gives up, only retreats to fight another day.
It is a usual visitor and always disappears like a mist at a bad reception.
It is as weak as it is powerful
It never goes forever, lust never lasts