Mad About Carelessness
Why do I feel like school visits
are usually a waste of time,
and restorative health assessment visits,
or is it professional visiting in general
that bothers me?
What I will see
and smell
and hear
and touch
is only what you feel safe to show me.
Your best professional face
when you are in charge of your environment,
of yourself,
and all is as it would best be
in your safe and healthy
mind and body presence.
Yet what I need to see
is how this place,
these people,
this teacher or therapist or mentor,
or would-be bodhisattva,
responds to my challenged child's anger and fear
To my own anger about how we have
and have not
been treated in our past
Challenged by your own angers
about your past
fears about life's future
for yourself
for your kids,
for sacred Earth's othering caregivers.
How will you respond
the 99th time my daughter poops on herself
then laughs while you wipe her nasty stinky ass,
berated by her own memories
of past such humiliations?
S/he hopes you too might find humor
in our co-arising
trauma bent
therapeutic intent
S/he needs even more resilient compassion
in your Positive Political Psychology presence
in this moment of your empathy
with her bipolar lack of sympathy
for your win/win preferred
Just how good might it feel
to give a smack on the ass
of all angry fear-filled,
chronically stressed
and sleep deprived,
too-often critical-event PTSD
co-victims of inhumane life's unkind
ego- and anthro-supremacist
politically empowering/disempowering
How do you think that unprofessional
retributive aggression choice
would not hurt both of you?
all of us?
where and when
we could choose to live fully
in this win/win vulnerable
transparent moment of unboundaried
Of co-empathic
trauma-informed awareness
steeped in ancient
diverse neurosystemic practice
Of fully interdependent
win/win co-passionate intent
when and where most needed
and neglected
and abused.
Abuse of your non-professional
and deeply personal
and competent therapeutic promise,
most accessible markers
of past angers about life's depressing
negatively impressing
suppressing fears
of too soon terrorizing
mind and body peaceful
professionally elite
Visiting schools,
and other public campaigns,
to experience
our best therapeutic
restorative justice practices
has little to reveal
about where we most vulnerably
mind passionately
body pleasantly live
and professionally formed,
neurosystemically shaped
Co-empathically encultured
by PastMind Angers/Passions
and FutureBody Fears/Pleasures,
Including when and where
I feel like school visits,
and other LeftBrain dominant campaigns,
are usually a waste
of trauma-informed
compassion pleasing
healthy neurosystemic
peak experience
potential win/win optimization time.