Magical Four Letter Word
Why are my nerves being shattered
I didn't know it really mattered
And important to survive
Without it life just takes a dive
Into a hellish lonely spot
Damaging your beating heart
THis thing is a 4 letter word
Daily that needs to be heard
Lifting us up when we're down
It is said all over town
Hugging someone makes it better
It just strengthens every letter
That spells out something so special
The power it brings just will
Over flow you with emotion
Filling you up like and ocean
Of sensation that will be
Taking over your body
Every minute of the day
When you hear somebody say
A little word that means so much
And this magic word is LOVE
Now I know it really matters
I don't mind each time I shatter
Because I'm never alone
I love always coming home
Knowing I will softly hear
Love whispered in both our ears