Major Turning Point
I regret what I did
For I am your kid
You’ve raised me better
So I shall write you this letter
I write you letter from the heart
Yet I don’t know where to start.
The holiday time is here
But it doesn’t seem like it has brought you good cheer.
I hate to see you frown
It always puts me down.
Nothing means more to me
Then making your face shine with glee
You might be here for a bit
But please take the time to read it
Your oldest will soon be a Papp
Remember when she used to sit on your lap?
Your middle will be eighteen
Does that mean its time to be mean?
Also his senior year will arrive soon
Better enjoy the time before he joins a platoon.
Your youngest (that’s me!!) will be able to drive
Did you enjoy the year two thousand five?
I picked up the phone
I felt so alone
I didn’t know who to call
But you came to my rescue before the fall
I thought you’d me mad
But at the time you were both to sad
I left you with nothing but the bill
From someone who listens how I feel
But now
I wonder how
I never felt so close to you
Its like the whole thing was my cue
I like nothing more
Then you being next to men when I close the door
That part of my life is through
All to the thanks of the love from you two
Dad and Mom
You guys know how to keep me calm
I love spending time with you
But the time we spend together is so few