Make Music To Stay Alive
Has a delusional life let you down...
when even hope seemed far?
Has everyone pushed you aside
and been ashamed of who you are,
makings a disapproving frown
to forget that you existed...
that you were entitled to be loved?
I have felt the same anger inside,
looked at the greyest sky above,
sought sympathy, and received none;
did I give up and kicked a stone?
Make music to stay alive,
chase away monotony
with your happiest notes
and control your destiny;
look ahead and take a step forward:
you'll be surely greeted by happiness!
What I like to say to you is this:
fight fate with all your might,
feel glad for every sacrifice...
you'll achieve what others
tried hard to accomplish twice
without discovering their insight!
Make music to stay alive,
renew your faith in pride,
amaze them with your strength:
that you have given all you got!