Make Revolution Not Love
Get a gun!
Get anything you could grab,
Get a feather, get a pen,
And a parchment,
Oh! Beauty dove,
And start revolting in your own way,
Your pen is an ICBM,
More powerful than the US’s
And the North Koreans’
The nuts!!
Propaganda and mind-control,
Globalisation, bullying,
Corporations, multi-nationals,
Multi-what?? Twat??
Slavery, a human for a dollar,
A woman for a cent, for a minute,
Babies for sale, refugees,
Just greed! Greed and more greed!
More hungry mouths,
Not enough to feed,
We need change,
We need a U turn,
But when you only turn,
With no return,
Back to nature,
Back to simplicity,
Back to my written letter,
Scrub this bloody email and delete it,
Let’s be together,
And be one simple soul,
Then we may be able to see this change.