Make You Laugh - Part 1
God, I believe I can say anything and it will make you laugh
So here I go
God, when we say “I love you”
Do you want to hear it softly or yelled?
God, when we are in trouble
Do you want us to wait until we are in the corner
Or you want to call to you at the start?
God, do you like staying here on earth or in heaven?
God, do you prefer men or women?
Do you ever grow old?
What does your house look like?
Do you come to earth in back and forth trips?
Do you wear clothes?
How did you get your talents?
Do you need people around you?
Do you go to the bathroom?
Are you running late and your hair gets disheveled?
Do you ever make appointments?
Do you get a sick or not feeling well feeling?
What do you want to do for fun?
Do you play football?
Do you eat?
Do you have an animal?
Do you meet people?
God, there are so much I want to ask you
But until next time
I love you
God, you are the best
I hope I made you laugh
Love, your daughter Toquyen