Making a Difference
Making A Difference
Perhaps a less observing person would have run over the little bird; But I will always believe that God assigned me to save the life of a sparrow. Jesus once said that God sees every sparrow that falls. Alone in a parking lane, the little birdie was in a very precarious position, and I immediately proceeded to rescue him.
After picking him up, I wondered regarding the whereabouts of his loved ones. Moreover, at this point I did not have a clue about what to do with him. I then looked upwards, lifted my arms, and released the sparrow to the opened sky. The birdie flapped his wings and flew away.
The sight of those flapping wings is forever fixated in my mind, and that moment is among the proudest of my life. No, I had not made a major contribution to heal the ills of the world, or found a cure for cancer, nor brokered a path to peace in the Middle East; But I had made a difference in the life of a sparrow.
There's a story of a man picking up star fish and throwing them back to the sea. As he was rescuing star fish one by one, another gentleman walked by. Observing the action, he questioned what difference would such an endeavor make. The man lifted another star fish, and throwing him back into the ocean, he said, “It made a difference to him”.
From my encounter with a sparrow on a sunny afternoon, I learned a most valuable lesson. The differences that we make are not measured by us, but rather by the receiver.
In a very real way, the sparrow was abandoned and left alone in a very dangerous place to fend for himself. If he needed food, I had none. If he needed water to cool his thirst, again, I had none. I soon realized that I had nothing of value to offer the little sparrow. That is, until I discovered that what the little birdie really needed was something I did have, and could give him. He never needed me to teach him to fly, because he was born to fly. I simply gave him a “lift”, and that was what he needed more than anything else. May we dare to give some kind of “Lift” to our world.
04182015 PS Contest, A Poem You Are Proud Of, by SKAT A