Making Babies
Don't allow little demons to sweep you off your feet,
let float like weed,
and your boat will cross with ease-
serious feed to cattle you are,
don't stray too far from a tree top tower-
or better yet a shower,
at the gym,
or with the powder,
can't go wrong with earths little hours-
when you listen longer than your age allows,
can't sing too many songs-
it just wouldn't be right,
can't ever breath too long,
unless it is time to fight-
the light,
the time,
or the swipes,
oh the car that drives me around outside!
Oh the dangerous doer walking on his own with stride!
Simple but still swine.
I don't need!
I don't pry!
I clean myself-
no need to understand another mans price,
because whats mine?
I don't calculate a dime...
unless its a dime,
the pocket change overflowing out of my mind,
some call it waste,
some call it device-
I call it the youth I am still so unable to deny!