Making Rainbows
A collage of colors drips from my mind,
paints radiant rainbows on your silky sky.
Look at VIBGYOR spanned horizon you’ll find
me with color markers on edge of clouds floating by.
In your lone life when new dawns break
I flush with the sunburst hues your meadow.
Look at the sheen of spectrum dew drops make,
it’s me sparkling for you on your shadow, you’ll know.
At sunset hour your sky blazes in splendor
in all my colors I splash to complete the picture.
At nightfall when on moonbeam trail you wander
look at haze you’ll see my de-colored empty mind there.
I painted my love with the last drop of color I had,
don’t treat me like trash, don’t throw me in waste bin.
With tinge of your heart refill color in my void mind sad,
so I can make new rainbows on your twilight sky once again.
September 1, 2018