Malingering Love
Once, sweet, unassuming persona so demure
Morphing into arrogant, calculating figure
Dexterous curves dancing like marionette
Now wilting shroud; prancing silhouette
Full, rounded cheeks with rosy shadow
Devolved into sunken crevasses with hue so sallow
Full, lustrous lips distilling frothy, sweet nectar
Transformed into dull, recessive spouts brimming with tar
From twinkling eyes stardust did flow
Now only flittering sawdust doth strew
Your warm, sensual fingers did titillate
Now dry, brittle tendrils do stagnate
Sparkling, coiffed hair with gilded braids
Became disheveled bristles with dulling shades
Soft, entrancing words did enrapture
Now dull, discordant notes obscure