Mami Chula
when u dont got nothing u do everything to make something just to have u around even tho
its nothing u made it something thats never forgotten marcy is what i see when i see u cry
wondering why adorable beautiful in i wanna be here for u in never should leave u i alwayz
wana be wit u. Miracle is a good gift in i thank god for having u waiting to see what he
could do for u .interesting in would good that i could see in u hopeing that u could see
it through how are love can make it through alwayz with me in you .caring is something i
appreciate in you never forgetting how i was being with you. Hatred is the thoughts i had
when i was sad not knowing what i had. Undecided moment the seckret lies she have not
spoken having me feel bad in broken now my girl is lost in stolen how could u let them now
where both alone in seperate now my heart feeled with hatred love is what we have not
feeling sad i having u is worth it wondering how sweet ur heart
is how my babies is with her beautiful soft lips asshole
I feel in sight of me thats why i wonder why babii hides from me so i prey in tell god
whats insight of me wishing that my gurl dont run from me now im all alone torn deep
heavenly im . Flooded to sleep how i cry so deep as i go to heaven to weep then god tells
me is it her u wana keep in then i speak in then i tell god is it because i want her all
for me