Mane of the Graying Lion
Song Of Songs 8:10: I am a wall, and my breasts are like towers. Thus I have become in his eyes like one bringing contentment.
God molded the figure of a woman - her curves and sultry skin;
and the eyes of beholden man, to search out the strongbox.
The jewels pure, as should the thoughts and deeds of love be.
Between bronze thighs a twinge of jealousy - reign in with responsibility.
Soft spoken lips of your virgin will wait
as you oil the lamp of intense love,
not pretentious lust. For one will save your life.
The other will burn the pyre.
Whilst the old wolf,
with a dry and dusty tongue,
drinks the dregs of sin, the mane
of the graying lion is content and soft,
memories like gems pass back and forth.