What I want is a love that is envied by others,
Best friends, partners, soul mates also were lovers
I want his heart and I'll keep it in my pocket,
He will have the keys to mine and won't forget to lock it,
He will always know just what to say,
And how to make me smile after I've had a bad day
Baby me when I'm not feeling well, and never complain,
Know exactly what to do when I'm acting insane
Tell me I'm right even when I'm wrong
Listen to me vent no matter how long,
He will always have my back with no questions asked
Know all of my secrets and everything in my past
My kids are gonna think that he is the best
This special love is magic its better then all the rest
We will be a team the two of us together,
Thru our trials and triumphs our love will never whether,
He will always speak to me gently and kind,
And will actually care about what's on my mind,
He holds me up and I hold him down
He is my king togeatger we share this crown
He tell me how im beautiful and calls me his dime
He treats me like his best friend and I treat him like mine
I know this all seems a little to perfect
I'm not gonna settle for less, I deserve it!
-Amber Smith