Many Are Giving Much Less
Many are giving much less
than they should, thinking
that giving more is worthless;
have they not been moved by the beggar,
or by that lonely one holding on fragile hope?
Have they become so selfish and heartless,
not taking down the wall of division?
I'm giving more not to feel the guilt
that makes one toss in his sleep,
and observing people in their daily rush:
why can't they offer a minute of their time
and feel better for their generous deed?
Many are giving much less,
not sharing their moments with others:
is it selfishness or indifference?
And wearing their crown of vanity...
don't they feel how the thorns poke
and make them bleed internally?
Let's exult those acts of generosity and show them
always even when we aren't so blessed,
giving a little is better than nothing at all,
and if we give all we have: our reward will be great!