Many Great Men
The Bible tells of many great men,
all who lived way back when.
Noah and his family built the Ark,
on Mount Ararat is where it would park.
(Genesis 8:4)
Abraham laid his son on an altar,
only to prove his faith wouldn’t falter.
(Genesis 22:6-12)
Moses parted the deep Red Sea,
so the slaves could go free.
(Exodus 14:16)
Joshua and his army marched around a big wall,
which around lap seven began to fall.
(Joshua 6:20)
David slew Giant Goliath with just one stone,
later to sit as a King on the throne.
(I Samuel 17:50)
Three Hebrew Children were ordered to bow and would not,
so were all thrown into a furnace so hot.
(Daniel 3:20)
Disobeying man’s law was Daniel’s only sin,
which landed him in the Lion’s den.
(Daniel 6:16)
There is always a price to be paid,
or a sacrifice to be made.
(Matthew 5:10)
These men are much the same,
for they all stood for Jesus’ name.