Many Waters Can'T Quench Love - Song of Solomon 8: 7
The love of God is unlimitedly vast
no measure of it can we attain
it’s fathomless in its great depth
no description’s possible from any brain
Almighty God Himself sends it forth
in all His great deeds of kindness
protecting sustaining this earth here
no matter our worsening spiritual blindness
God loves us no matter our great sin
how often we betray Him but yet
He keeps pouring it out upon us
this we owe Him an unpayable debt
But this debt Jesus paid in full
giving His life as a sacrificial lamb
what price is this of such love
granting to us His healing balm
Many waters can’t quench love
no amount of oceans remove it away
for God’s love is indeed simply perfect
coming constantly filling our needful bay
(‘Many waters can’t quench love, rivers cannot sweep it away.’
Song of Solomon ch. 8 v. 7.)