Love Poem: Marriage
Michael Gelb Avatar
Written by: Michael Gelb



Why should a man marry
  Not only your name will she carry
What about the love she has for you
  You must have feelings for her to  
You can really make her heart sing
  Ask her to marry you and give her a ring
It has to make you feel good that she will be in your heart
  When she says yes and a new family you will start 
You set the date then comes that day
  Now that day is here and the words I do you both say
Now that she has your last name 
  Your wife and your kids will share something the same
Some days will probably go by
  You will argue and you will make her cry
Stop to think don’t let bad words tear your love apart
  It may just take a few kind words and kiss for a new start 
In years to come you will feel good
  The way a father and husband should
You will be proud your last name will carry on  
  Your kids will be grown, get married and move on
Your kids will still call you dad
  That’s a great feeling a great family is never bad 
Don’t let things and time go by to fast
  Try to make everything and every minute last