Marty King and Shenika Sims: a Clumsy Ox In Modern Times
a clumsy ox in modern times
i have dropped the ball only to recover what i did not know about myself
all i did in order to impress you, i simply laugh at now when the pictures of the memories resurface in my mind
i had to go through so many doors of embarrassment to discover that you loved me simply for me
as i scramble your eggs and put cheese in your grits, i remember to lightly butter the toast
the heartbeat of your passion send me to heights unbeknownst to even the most well-travelled astronaut
this clumsy ox has gone low key....and is finally settling down
a clumsy ox in modern times
i cannot even count how many times i broke out due to makeup overabundance
i used to dance so nasty and lick my lips seductively
i used to touch myself and mimic things that would perhaps inspire a wet dream or three
i would wear dresses and jeans so tight that i became immune to the lack of needed blood circulation
shoot, i risked my damn life just to get your attention
now look at you....all scramblin' my eggs and putting blended cheeses in my grits
the soft honesty of your love for me got my whole body all into the full realm of emotional
this clumsy ox is officially off the grid....eternally unavailable and taken....HAPPILY!